CAT English Preparation:
DictionUP is quite popular among students preparing for the CAT. Not only is DictionUP easy to use and affordable but also a very portable tool to learn vocabulary. Imagine, preparing for CAT English Section on your way to work/university or while you are at the gym. You don’t have to hold a book or be stuck to a computer. Just load the files onto your mp3 player/phone and begin learning the words through audio. It cannot get easier that this!!!
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is an all-India test conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) as an entrance exam for the management programmes of its seven business schools (IIMA, IIMB, IIMC, IIML and others). About 250,000 students took CAT in 2008 for about 1500 seats in the IIMs. This is said to make the IIMs more selective than the Ivy League Universities. The test is multiple-choice based with roughly one-fourth negative-mark penalties for wrong answers. CAT is comprised of several sections.
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1.Verbal Ability
2.Reading Comprehension
3.Problem Solving
4.Data Interpretation
5.Logical Reasoning
6.Data Sufficiency
7.Maths Problems
Multiple-choice response sections are graded on a changing scale. This Verbal ability section primarily tests vocabulary along with the Reading comprehension section.
CAT Preparation:
A good vocabulary is vital for scoring well on this exam. The single most effective way to improve your verbal score on the CAT English section is to improve your vocabulary. Good vocabulary skills are a ‘must have’ for sentence completion, antonyms, analogies, and reading comprehension. If you know the definition of all the words in the answer choices, it makes the question a whole lot easier.
If you are comfortable with vocabulary it makes Antonym and Analogy sections easy, and this has a double benefit 1) You answer these questions correctly 2) If you know the word you will usually be able to answer them right away, saving you precious time for the reading comprehension, and sentence completion questions.
Context can be used to guess the definition of the word on Reading Comprehension and Sentence Completion, but Antonym and Analogy sections usually require you know the many definitions of the word and there is no context to make an “educated” guess.
DictionUP will improve your vocabulary immensely and quickly. By listening to these tracks on a regulary basis you will improve your score immensely on the CAT English section. This test was taken into considerable consideration while producing DictionUP. A sizeable number of words on DictionUP appear often on this examination.
Introductory Price: Rs 500
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